Let The Record Show
That Ted Hayes Warned of the Present Homelessness Crisis and Offered The Only Reasonable Resolution 40 Years Ago (1985-2024)

Greetings Traditional and Social Media Outlets, Shalom!
Please visit this link https://tedhayes.us/pr-rr/
…to my Response and Resolution to the US Supreme Court Decision that has released the Hon. California Governor, Mr. Gavin Newsone from the unconstitutional restriction of so called, “Homeless Civil Rights” Acts such as Jones and Boise, et al. to law enforce homeless us citizens off of public properties.

As America’s foremost homeless activist of 40 consistent years, in foresaw and alerted both private and public sector society in 1985 of the pending day, in which homelessness would become so pervasive, that good hearted American will welcome law, as well as military entities to mass, force relocate them into permanent, internment camps.

Please see my Response and Resolution @  https://tedhayes.us/pr-rr/

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