For Immediate Release

Response and the Resolution
The Present Newsome Homelessness Crisis
California and Beyond
Homeless-Civil Rights Activist Responds To Gov. Newsome’s, Homelessness Executive Order
(See Press Narrative)
Los Angeles, America’s foremost Civil Rights/homelessness resolution activist, Ted Hayes
…response and resolution to the Hon. California Governor, Mr. Gavin Newsome’s US Supreme Court affirmed,
…States’ Right to force remove outlawed dwellings, i.e., encampments of homeless, US citizens
…from public health and safety zones.
This matter is especially poignant, as it severely disaffects American African, US federalized,
black citizens, upon whose chattel enslave backs, this purported immigration nation under GOD
was/is built, if necessary, fall.
As a result of 404 years of unrequited injustices, black citizens continue to suffer the
generational devastations of 245 years of chattel slavery; 99 of Jim Crow racism, and 58 years of
failed, government social policies and programs, manifesting its ultimate statement by their/our
daily growing, overwhelming, disproportionate homeless count, particularly in
…Los Angeles, the National Capital of Homelessness.
While recognizing the correct decision of the US Supreme Court concerning the rights of States
…to enforce their public health and safety codes, I offer the well-intended governor an option
…whereby he might avoid having to force the good-hearted residents of California
…to mistreat their fellow American citizens by his misguided, self-destructive edict.
The last 40 years of spending billions of taxpayers’ dollars on social service program
…industries dubbed, “Homelessness Financial Industrial Complex” (HFIC)
…has resulted in homelessness becoming worse than ever, therefore,
…making it abundantly clear that there is no return of US homeless citizens
…to mainstream society, leaving them the necessarily, the public square for refuge.
Eventually, by the force of the “bayonet” of the California National Guard and locating
the assistance of local law enforcement, the governor will mass relocate US homeless citizens onto
...state lands from which these unfortunate American citizens cannot return
…hence, permanent internment camps.
Ironically, the Newsome Plan is very much in line with that of former, US President Donald Trump’s
…in which he promises to dispatch the military, either federal troops and/or state national guard
…to force relocate all homeless US citizens, including Veterans into “huge tent cities
…on federal lands far away from the overpopulated urban centers”, again, internment camps.
Therefore, for the sake of the win-win-win, I present an alternative to their anti-US Constitutional,
…Republican Form of Government, nation-destroying ideology by which homeless persons
will gladly, voluntarily relocate to a suitable “elsewhere” place known as
…EXODUS II: 2028, LA Olympics Initiative – Homeless Resolution National Strategic Plan
This release is being communicated to Mr. Newsome himself; the Hon. LA Mayor, Ms. Base;
…the Hon. US President Joe Biden, as well as the present, Presidential Candidates,
…the Hon. Vice President, Ms. Kamala Harris; and former Hon. US President, Mr. Donald Trump;
…Mr. Robert R. Kennedy; Prof. Cornell West; Ms. Jill Stein; and Mr. Chase Oliver;
…for their attention to immediately enter into negotiations with me and my Team.
For information on the alternative to Mr. Newsome’s response to the SCOTUS decision, please view | https://tedhayes.US/vote/ | EXODUS II: 2028, LA Olympics Initiative
Thanks kindly and Blessing of GOD upon you and yours,