For Immediate Release Today
WT: Announcing the Emancipation Proclamation, National Holiday Campaign
WH: Monday, January 1,2024, New Years Day
WH: The Lincoln Monument at Corner of First and Grand Street, Downtown, LA
Sponsors: J-LIRM, i.e., Justiceville and LIRM (Love Is Real Movement)
Contact: 424-248-4219) | Email:
The January 1,1863, Emancipation Proclamation Is America’s Continuing, New Birth of Freedom
The “New Years Day” News Conference Is In Your Interest, Individually, Group, Media Outlet To Attend, As Such Is Actually About The Liberation of All America
When in question or doubt of our just, moral “high ground”cause, according to the Declaration of Independence, the founding fathers ordered We the People “to appeal to the Supreme Judge of all the world, for the rectitude of our intentions”.
This appeal to Divinity means, we justify before the Supreme Judged, that our united struggle is to keep, protect, and globally promulgate the Fact that, not human government, but rather, Natures’ GOD, The Creator of all human beings equally, Who endows each with the Divinely ordered, Freedom Gifts of “certain inalienable rights among them, Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness, i.e., property (material, real estate, intellectual).
Being constructed on the whipped, bloodied, scarred backs of chattel enslaved American Africans, ironically, the founding fathers hypocritically excluded the ancestors of today’s US federalized, black citizens, from the greatest human document for freedom in the history of humanity’s Antiquis Ordu Seclurum (Old Order of the Ages).
As the founding fathers decreed GOD as its’ Central Figure, the Declaration of Independence is in actuality, a spiritual document, i.e., holy/sacred Scripture.
Therefore, until this matter of America’s great, ironic hypocrisy in the matters of freedom is fully rectified, The Supreme Judge remains offended, seeking rectification for the offense against The Creator, as such was/is direct rebellion, and the tarnishing, even blasphemy, against HIS Holy, i.e., Judgement and Justice Character/Heart, and Majestic Name.
As the *act to rectify this glaring, internationally watched, greatest of slavery injustices in world **history, in accordance to the covenant that the Hon. President Abraham Lincoln made with The Most High GOD, to be enacted on News Years Day, January 1,1863, he authorized the Emancipation Proclamation, the spark that militarily liberated the chattel slaves and ending slavery in the USA.
- “And upon this act, sincerely believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the Constitution, upon m* ilitary necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind, and the gracious favor of Almighty God.” (Sentence 8. Emancipation Proclamation)……hence, honoring Anuit Coeptis – “HE Has Favored Our Undertaking”, that is, to effecuate HIS Gift of Freedom to American Africans, accordingly.
- * “Whereas slavery in America resembled no other form of involuntary servitude known in history, as Africans were captured and sold at auction like inanimate objects or animals;” (2008 Congressional Apology Resolution)
Standing and building upon the foundation of this January 1,2024, National Day of Emancipation Proclamation, registered with the National Day Archives, our body collective attending the official launching of the campaign for it to be legislated by Congress the next, and warranted, National Holiday.
Those in attendance, will be walking themselves into the historical record, as well as the great legacy of Abraham Lincoln’s sacred covenant with LORD of Hosts (Heavenly armies), along with his dear friend, Mr. Frederick Douglass, as well as all the other legendary figures of that greatest of eras, the “US Civil War between the States”, transformed into that of the “Militarily Liberation of America’s Chattel Slaves” to end all slavery.
As long as this “nation under GOD, shall not perish from the earth”, history will record that these attendees, you and me, et al, ignited the “torch light” represented in the hand of Lady Liberty, by the official establishment, of the National Holiday of January 1,1863.