Justiceville 501-c3 Welcomes Volunteers

(The Plan) (jv-actions)  (volunteers)  (jv-welcomes)

In their hearts/spirits, all humans desire to assist others less fortunate than themselves.

However, many have grown weary, not seeing the expected results of their effort.
Having limited emotional collateral for their own loving kin, many now ignore societal crises.

Led by legendary, Los Angeles homeless, resolution activist of 40 years (1985-2005), inspires you to meaningful,
…actions to rectify and humanely resolve unnecessary, societal-caused, social maladies.

Justiceville operates a GoFundMe campaign that specifically addresses rescuing homeless women
…from auto (car) dwelling, as well as those confined in one room isolation, etc.,
The Campaign is entitled “Preventing Women from Sidewalk Homeless”

Justiceville offers social media managers the rewarding satisfaction of temporarily investing
…a couple of hours, or more, per week in campaign promotions.

Please do the following”

Thanks kindly for your participation.

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