Standing Michael: Defining Identity of Named Terms

(standing michael directory)

“Shama Israel!  ADONAI Eleheneu ADOAI Echad”

And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which stands for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered,
every one that shall be found written in the book.”
(Daniel 12:1)

  • Hametic, derived from HAM, according to the Torah-Tanakh of the Hebrew Scriptures, and the Koran, the father of all black peoples, meaning heat, hot, angry, etc.

  • Alkebulan the original name of Africa meaning “mother of mankind,” or “the garden of Eden”, existed before being named after a white Caucasian, Italian-Roman, general

  • Multi-Jews,e., meaning, the myriads of peoples around the world who profess the Faith of Abrham, Isaac, Jacob/Israel, such as; Mizrachi, Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Persian, Ethiopian (formerly lost Tribe of Dan), Africans, orthodox, conservative, reformed, liberal, et al, even with those sectors, are subgroups.

These various-myriad Judaic sects believe in the Torah/Tanakh (Hebrew Holy Scriptures) of ADONAI, ELOHIM, ADONAI Echod, yet practice their particular ethnic-racial cultural customs, ceremonies, and holy day versions primarily based on the Talmud, of course, which divides Jews from one another.

Such division has spawned the term, Jewish, which is not found in the Holy Scriptures, but perhaps in the two Talmuds.

Whereas the Torah/Tanakh is essentially ignored, but instead adhering to the  Talmud, yet the Scrolls of Holy Scripture are kept in the high place of the synagogue assembly room, even lovingly carrying It in procession, as parishioners touch and kill it, etc.

Since the end of WWII and the birth of Israel, the Judaic world has been dominated by the European and American, Askhenazis.

  • Federal Black Citizens are the descendants of the chattel slaves, who are the Subject Beneficiaries of the federal laws about the authorization of militarily liberated, recognized, and maintained freedoms’ National Birthright into federalized, super citizenship status.

  • American, Hametic, Alkabulan, Jews are federalized, black citizens of chattel slavery heritage dubbed, “Christian”, who yet follow, adhere and aspire to The Word of GOD by which HIS Holy Spirit inspired Judaic men to write and keep, and most especially, the greatest and most beloved of them all, HaShem, Yeshua Ha Mashiach / LORD Jesus The Christ, The King of the Jews. He says, “Salvation is of the Jews.”

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