PR #1: The 1st. In US History, Annual Celebration of The National Day of “The January 1,1863, Emancipation Proclamation”

(emancipation directory)  (narrative)

 (emancipation proclamation director)  (Ted Hayes)
Zoom Session: Thursdays – 7:30 pm EST & 4:30 pm PCT
[Links announced here weekly.]

The Most Important Federal Law about/to/for American African, Federal, US Citizen, with the driving intent to become the greatest Congressionally Legislated, Federal, National Holiday in all US History, Tantamount To The Declaration of Independence.
Sponsors: Justiceville and LIRM (Love Is Real Movement)
Contact: Ted @ 424-248-4219)

Los Angeles, the Presidential Executive Ordered, The January 1,1863, Emancipation Proclamation, issued by President Abraham Lincoln (#16), one hundred &  sixty-one (161) years ago, this January 1,2024, ignited the “fire” that ended 245 years of American, i.e., British/USA, generations-destroying, chattel slavery.

By Writ of this document, registered in the National Day Archives Registry, for the first time in US history, beginning this coming January 1,2024’s “New Years Day”, National Holiday, is the first step on the very short “highway” to a Congressionally legislated, federal, National Holiday.

Why such has never been acknowledged and/or celebrated before, even similar fashion as July 4th, and appropriating all the self-determining authority contained within It, for the “their actual freedom”, i.e., Subject Beneficiaries thereof, as bequeathed to them, Its’ morally right and correct inheritors. 

The architect of this reasonable, no costs to tax payers, etc., initiative, Ted Hayes, the noted, 39 years, “cutting edge” homeless-Civil Rights, resolution activists of Los Angeles, the National Capital of Homelessness, says,

“While there are several plausible, and suspect-suspicious reasons, the greatest of all is perhaps, its’ the timing of The Most High GOD.”

In midst of the unprecedented, loud, chaotic, political noises in America, a certain, unique, surging group of a We the People body politic, like the Hebrew Shafar, is a clarion blare, calling all US citizens to commemorate and celebrate with Americans Africans of chattel slavery heritage, as we embrace our inheritance, bequeathed to us in President Abraham Lincoln, Presidential Executive Order #95, The January 1,1863 Emancipation Proclamation.

In two clear ways, with all due respect, unlike all other National Holidays, including January 15th “MLK, Jr. Day”, and June 19th “Juneteenth”, this particular one is:

A.  not a paid, four-work day leave, as it arrives on New Years Day, already of such benefit.

B. As July 4th is based the federal law of the Declaration of Independence, likewise is the “Emancipation Proclamation Day”, as it too being equally, a federal law, via Presidential Executive Order, issued by President Lincoln, whereas, all other National Holidays are centered around parties in celebration, or in solemnity of some part of Americana, being void of actual, transformative, authoritative power.

Apparently, with the intent of annual, renewal, and individually and collectively, making “New Years” resolution to increase devotion to completing “the unfinished work”, which is “the great task remaining before us” that We the People Americans, finally being so conjoined together… the Gracious mercy of The Almighty GOD, with Whom he covenanted concerning the Emancipation Proclamation, Mr. Lincoln deliberately coincided it with same date of the January 1st, New Years Day celebrations.

Therefore, reasoning that as so called, individual – personal, self-improvement resolutions, which generally don’t last, every year, second only to The Hebrew Holy Bible, this official, legal, National Holiday will in so many wonderful ways, greatly serve black and white citizens alike, as America’s uniting, sacred, moral “high ground” Holiday, similar in fashion to that of the Jewish Yom Kippor.

Please See Narrative

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