The Hamitic Melchizedek Role in The Divine Transformation of Abram To Abraham

(script blessing) (Letter To Fellow Melchizedek Priest: “Blessings For Our Own Sake”)

Hamitic Priest are the Sacred Conduit For The Blessing of “All Families of the Earth”

It is written in the Hebrew, Holy Scriptures of the Torah/Tanakh, i.e. The Bible, that via the mysterious King of ancient Salaam (Jerusalem), and High Priest of GOD, known to him as El Elyon, The Almighty, Most High, Who is the Same Person of Elohim, the children of Ham – Hamites have a powerful role in the fulfilling of Adonai-YEWEH, JAH, Et Al, Promise to Abram, later called Abraham.

(Genesis 12: 1-3 Spoken to Abram)
“Now the LORD had said unto Abram,
‘Get you out of your country, and from your kindred, and from your father’s house,
unto a land that I will show you:
And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you,
and make your name great, and you shall be a blessing:
And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you:
and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Before Abraham, he was Abram
Though Elohim-GOD, the Name by which Abram knew HIM, alluded to this role concerning “all families of the earth be blessed”, he was not yet called, Abraham.

The Significance of the Melchizedek Blessing
The name change or transformation occurred after Abram was Blessed by Melchizedek, the High Priest of GOD-El Elyon, the King of Salaam (ancient Yerushalayim).

(Genesis 17: 4-6 Spoken to Abraham)
“As for ME, behold, MY covenant is with you,
and you shall be a father of many nations.

 Neither shall your name anymore be called Abram,
but your name shall be Abraham;
for a father of many nations have I made you.

And I will make you exceedingly fruitful,
and I will make nations of you,
and kings shall come out of you.”

Furthermore, in GOD’s Plans for all humanity, which is “as the stars of heaven”…
what HE Promised to Abram was before he was circumcised,

Not yer called a Hebrew, as he had not yet crossed over the Jordan into Cannan Land, of Hamitic ownership,
…essentially, being what Abraham’s modern-day children, i.e., Jews, the Chosen People call, Goyim-Gentiles, et al.

Thousands of years ago, GOD did not specify when, nor how this Promise to Abram/Abraham would be fulfilled or achieved, according to HIS time scales for all human beings, which was/is the ultimate intent of The Most High from Eternity to birth into HIS Household, and Kingdom forever, as “the dust of the earth, the stars of heavens, sand of the seashore”.

The creation of Abraham’s children, Isaac and Jacob/Israel, i.e., Jews was to be the living, human apparatus “tool and engine” of The Creator that drives the dynamics whereby HIS mysterious, Eternal Plan working out of the Hamitic, cradleland of The Blessing to Abraham is accomplished.

Of “all the families of the earth”, Adonai, YAWEH-JAH, mysteriously chose the children of HAM, as the living, human, conduit “element” by which the goyim-gentiles are blessed, even as the children of Abraham are, but the Hamites themselves, being the “first fruits” or “trigger” of the Promise Blessing to Abraham.

The Chronicles of the Children of Ham
The ancient diaspora of the Ham’s children is out of the Middle East from the Mesopotamian Vally and Plains, i.e., cradle of civilization, through to what is presently, Arabian regions, into north Africa (*Alkebulan) southward throughout all of it.

Therefore, of the hundreds of millions today scattered throughout the earth, only a remnant of 13,000,000 plus were exiled out of West-Central Alkebulan as slaves of the ancient slave trade of that continent, into the America’s…

94% of whom were shipped and traded into the Caribbean, Mexico, Central and South America, et al., but just a mere, event remnant of the remnant, i.e., 6% of them into the 13 colonies turned United States.

Fashioned by The Creator, this seemingly, Bible prophesied, chattel enslaved backs of the tiny, little remnant of Ham’s dispersed children, is the foundation upon which this USA, “nation of immigrants”, the greatest, most powerful empire and society in the history of world civilizations was built.

The irony of this matter is that thousands of years ago, the children of Ham laid the foundations of civilization, and mysteriously in modern times, His remnant descendants is now the foundation of the greatest of such in world history, of which its salvation depends on their embracing their royal, Melchizekekk Priesthood Order duties under Yeshua/Jesus, King of the Jews-Yerushalayim, its Eternal High Priest.

Without the USA, Jews would not have been liberated from the Nazis of the 20th Century, nor before and post WWII, had this land to immigrants as refugees from such oppressions; nor would there be the State of Eretz Israel, etc.


In fact, the technological advancement of the last 100 years for “all families of the earth”, would not have been possible without America’s GOD-Blessed “Yankee-ingenuity”, etc., yet, without the chattel enslaved backs of Hams descendants, tiny remnant children, the United States Union Republic would and could not exist.

Hence, Beverly Hills California, the “tit” Hollywood, is of “all the families of the earth”, the most culturally influential, and wealthiest, of which Abraham’s descendant children through Isaac and Jacob/Israel, i.e., Jews are over 70% of Its population, which in their divisive diversified “tribes” against each other, stands on the chattel enslaved backs of the remnant Hamites in America…a purported Judaic-Christian society.

It is in the sacred effort to bless Abraham’s children, and the State of Israel, i.e., Israelis, as well as all Jews throughout the world, subsequently the USA and Its peoples, including invoking the sure mercies of GOD to “all families of the earth”, that we Hamitic, Melchizedek Priest go the Beverly Hills to make The Blessing.

Its written, because Abram believed the then, spoken Word of GOD, Elohim/El Elyon counted it to him for righteousness, being approved of GOD.

And he believed in The LORD, and HE counted it to him for righteousness
(Genesis 15: 6)

Whereas the faith of Abram, the Shemitic goyim-gentile was daily challenged in believing The Spoken Word of GOD, we Hamitic, Melchizedek Priests of these modern times, having HIS Written Word, our faith in it, are also tried as well.

Therefore, as Abba Abram/Abraham, who believed and acted, we also believe and act accordingly, because “…faith without works is dead.” (James 2:26)

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