Disclaimer Clause: We Reject and Despise, Christianity’s “Replacement Theology”    

(michael directory)
See: The Dual Identity of American Africans

Disclaimer Clause: We Reject Replacement Theology

While American Africans, the descendants of American–British/USA chattel slaves are learning to now define ourselves,…
not so much on skin color, i.e., genetic, anatomical features,…
…but rather lived experiences, particularly in relationship to Abraham’s Seed-children, Jews,…
we reject Replacement Theology.

Replacement Theology is the Christian false doctrine, which wrongly and sinfully espouses…
…that The Most High GOD of Abraham, Elohim El Elyon has cast aside forever “The Jews”…
…because they rejected and continue to reject Yeshua/Jesus, as Ha Mashiach, Son of GOD, Savior of the World,…
…with the moniker “The Jews” killed Yeshua/Jesus…and replaced them with Christians.

This horrific lie has been the root cause of the now 1800 years of Christian,…
…as well as Islamic persecutions, pogroms, destruction of property, religious segregation, physical violence, murder, and mass genocide attempts,…
…as late as 1933-1945 Nazi Holocaust, and the late as that of October 7, 2024…Black Sabbath!

We American Africans wholeheartedly reject this lie from the pits of hell and do affirm,…
…but embrace any self-professing Jews, as the Children of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob-Israel are indeed, forever the Chosen People of GOD,…
and defend them as such, with appreciative thanks to The LORD for them, according to HIS perfect will.

To Set the Record Straight
As I read and study the Holy Bible concerning the life and death of Yeshua, son of ben Yoseph of Nazareth, Galilee,…
…“The Jews” did not kill-crucify Him, rather, it was rather European-Causian, Italian-Romans of the Roman Empire,…
…which executed him, albeit at the behest and demand of certain religious, Talmud, rabbinical leaders.

Unfortunately, according to the record, these mad rabbis mocked GOD concerning the absolute innocence of Yeshua by saying the following taunt at HIM…

“Let His blood be upon our heads and our children’s children’s heads”,…
which is cursing upon themselves, and their descendant.

By this statement or declaration, these rabbis challenged ADONAI’s generational accountability law for all nations,…
…Israel being the golden example, which is contained in Commandment 2 of the Decalogue, i.e., Ten Commandments

“..for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God,
…punishing the children for the sin of the fathers
to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,…
…but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.”

Also, Jeremiah 32:18
“YOU show lovingkindness to thousands, and recompenses the iniquity of the fathers
into the bosom of their children after them;”

Therefore, according to the objective view of the record,the Jews” DID NOT kill Yeshua,…
…but unfortunately, due to the failed leadership of the time handling the case of this innocent Jew,…
…in making an ignorant and hateful decision,…
…apparently drew the authority of this law upon them all down through the generations.

Such will continue until Jerusalem is no longer trodden underfoot, which is the time of the Gentiles is ended,…
…when certain Jews, et al, will according to Torah-Tanakh instruction…
repent of their sins and those of their forefathers.  Please note: Daniel 9:1-27

:8 “O GOD, to us belong confusion of face, to our kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, because we have sinned against YOU.”

Leviticus 26:38-42
38 And ye shall perish among the nations, and the land of your enemies shall eat you up.

39 And they that are left of you shall pine away in their iniquity in your enemies’ lands;
and also
in the iniquities of their fathers shall they pine away with them.

40 And they shall confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers,
in their treachery which they committed against ME,
and also that they have walked contrary to ME.

41 I also will walk contrary to them, and bring them into the land of their enemies;
if then perchance their uncircumcised heart be humbled, and they then be paid the punishment of their iniquity;

42 then will I remember My covenant with Jacob, and also MY Covenant with Isaac,
and also MY Covenant with Abraham will I remember; and I will remember the land.

Israel the Model Example Teacher To The Nations|
This is the matter that Israel, the Witness of The Most High was/is to teach to all nations-gentiles-goyim…
…about HIS was in dealing with them all, that HIS Promise that Abraham is to be the Father of many nations is fulfilled.

Such is precisely the modern-day crisis of American Africans, in that due to the immoral, sinful ways of our ancestors,…
…GOD has visited us their children with the present woes that we suffer,…
…until we receive the promised blessing, and the strength of mercy and truth to repent and rectify the matter with HIM.

Hence, HE Is no respecter of persons, including Jews and American Black citizens.

See: The Dual Identity of American Africans

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