The Suffering of America (I) “Its’ 3 Near Fatal Incidents, Plus 1 To Go”

(emancipation dire) (suffering II)

Of the now present, 248 years of the existence of the United States, the Union Republican Form of Government,
while it has been challenged on several occasions, primarily domestically, as all nations fall from within,
…there are four (4) of significant interest.

Albeit, of the four, its the present “one to go” crisis that We  the People, ordered “to more perfect” it is perhaps,
…its greatest of all, as there is a vicious “cold” civil war between, not so much the geo-physical States
…as was the “hot” of 1861-1865, but rather, the political Democratic Party left and Republican right,
…which threatens the national security of this “one nation under GOD”

  1. First, The Birth and Violent Revolutionary Rebellion (April 19, 1776-Sept. 3, 1783)
    Born, perished in early infancy
  2. Second, The British Invasion – Revolutionary War II (June 18, 1812 – Feb. 17, 1816)
  3. Third, The Civil War To Liberate Into Freedom Chattel Slaves (April 11, 1861 – May 1875)
    Note: Another more defining term for the “Civil War” is:
    The US Federal War That Extricated The Union From Chattel Slavery
    …by Militarily Liberating Its Enslaved American Slaves
  4. Fourth, the “One to Go”, is the present domestic and foreign, tyrannical elements of attacks
    …against our E Pluribus Unum“Out of Many, One”,
    Norvu Ordo Seclurum“New Order of the Ages”,
    …of which Annuit Coeptis “HE Has Favored Our Undertaking”.

The Unions’ We the People, body politic elects, appoints, and pays political “animal” politicians, and employees,
…to dutifully govern in OUR, NOT THEIR  interest in accordance with the US Constitutional dictates
…of this Republican Form of Government. (Art.4, Sec.4. Constitution) Not Democracy

However, for 248 years (1776-2024) We the People collectively, generationally, and individually,
by our misinformed votes consistently yielded to our employees, public servants go unsupervised.

Therefore, these “party animals” have the natural tendency to be partisan, i.e., tribally–oriented,
…thereby, bringing the Union to the present level of national security division,
…not experienced since the Civil War 160 years ago. (1861-1865)

It is universally true, that instead of assuming the necessary responsible,
…culpable leadership to command orders to others,
95% of humanity would rather be told what to think and do by tyrannical dictators,
…as they are also hopelessly tribal, which is a world display.

Due to being caught up in the federal, 2-4-6 year voting cycle for 248 years,
…thereby allowing various kinds/levels of oppressive, tyrannous, and authoritarian policies
…to become intertwined within this Free, American society,
We the People are not qualified to criticize the “farm animals” and “hands.

Not understanding the National Ideals of the Nordu Ordo Seclurum,
…which is anathema to the Antiques Ordo Seclurum – Old Oder of the Ages” of “strong man” tyrannies,
…We the People have failed to expect that they would naturally and understandably counter-attack.

Strike a beehive, expect a fight, and not complain when stung.

Regarding Lincoln and King’s Legacy
On January 1, 1863, US President, Abraham Lincoln signed into federal law,
…Executive Order #95, the Emancipation Proclamation,
…of which based on the US Congressional, 1861-1862, Confiscation Act,
…forever designated American Africans under the military jurisdiction.

Along with other provisions, the Emancipation Proclamation supercharged those Acts
…to end chattel slavery institutionalized, human trafficking industry and federally empowered
…its forever military liberated and protected American slaves.

Unlike other Americans who are of willing immigration heritage,
…due to their generations-destroying, chattel slavery experience,
…President Lincoln bequeathed to the freed slaves and their descendants children
…as long as “this nation under GOD shall not perish from the earth”,
…a super citizenship power whereby they may effectuate the full “actual freedom.”

Enter Marting Luther King – “I Have A Dream”
At the height of the 1960s Civil Rights Movement, 100 years after the enactment of the Emancipation Proclamation,
…Martin Luther King, Jr., of which he opens his now iconic “I Have A Dream” speech
…on August 28, 1963, at the Washington DC, March and Rally.

Due to the systemic, as well as the violent, oppressive repression of Jim Crowism,
…the young, slain, prophet stated that 100 years after the passage of the Emancipation Proclamation,
“The Negro is still not free.”

The chattel slave descendants, being officially documented and designated “on paper”
…as US citizens in accordance to the 1866-68 Civil Rights/14 Amendment Act of exclusive,
…“birthright” super citizenship, MLK instructed them/us to this Promissory Note
of such to the “Bank of Justice” and “cash it”, saying,

“And so we have come to cash this check, a check that will give us upon demand
…the riches of freedom and the security of justice.”

While Jim Crowism was destroyed by the 1964 Civil Rights Act, due to their/our universal illiteracy,
…black citizens were unable to follow his instructions, not knowing what the Promissory Note is,
…nor the authoritative power of these combined federal laws of:

  1. Executive Order #95, and B.) the 14th Amendment,

As a result of this 161-year deficiency, We the People of this Union have suffered to the point of its imminent dissolution.

Because of the chattel slaves, the Union was born divided in the “cold” verbal Civil War of 1776-1861;
…entered into that which was “hot” of 1861-1865; and subsequently saved and reunited 1863-1865;
…now during the second “cold” Civil War 1865-2024, of which only they/we can be saved again.

During the “hot”, the Union’s salvation spiritually, philosophically, and militarily
… depend on the chattel slaves to save the Union, it’s now once again for this willing immigrant nation under GOD,
…to accept the authority granted to them/us to once again Save It.

The Four Great Steps

  1. First, the US military initiated the end of chattel slavery by the Confiscation Acts
  2. Second, President Lincoln ignited it by the Emancipation Proclamation
  3. Third, Martin Luther King, Jr. introduced it at the peak of the Civil Rights Movement
  4. Fourth, Ted Hayes reveals and executes the knowledge and strategy of It.

Therefore, America suffers due to We the People being ignorant of these facts, but now,
with this revelation, we together can end our country’s sufferings, become more pleasing in GOD sight,
…of Whom we are self-professed under, i.e., Annuit Coeptus – “HE Has Favored Our Undertaking”.

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