Greetings, Shalom!
The J-LIRM, i.e., Justiceville-LIRM (Love Is Real Movement), a leading, American African, Hametic “black”, US citizens and multi-Judaic communities collaboration, cordially invites and welcomes your presence at this News Years Day, first in US history, National Day Archives registered, “National Day of the 1863, Emancipation Proclamation Celebration.
This unprecedented event will occur at the President Abraham Lincoln statue of the Los Angeles Superior Court, north-east side of Grand and First Streets, across from the Dorothy Chandler and Disney Centers, at 2:00 pm, this coming Monday, January 1,2023.
Also, please be sure to salute this happy occasion with your family, friends and fellow party goers at the New Years Eve parties that you will be attending, or do so at home, if not going out on the town.
* Please see below Press Release for instructional information *
The Most Unique New Years Day Celebration In 161 Years
The January 1,1863, Emancipation Proclamation National Holiday Campaign
For Immediate Release Today
WT: Announcing the National Holiday Campaign
WH: Monday, January 1,2024, New Years Day
WH: The Lincoln Statue at Corner of First and Grand Street, Downtown, LA
Sponsors: J-LIRM, i.e., Justiceville and LIRM (Love Is Real Movement)
Contact: 424-248-4219) | Email:
Los Angeles, The First Time in US History, Annual Celebration of The National Day of “The January 1,1863, Emancipation Proclamation” Executive Order #95 by President Abraham Lincoln, 161 years ago, which ignited the “fire” that militarily ended the 245 years of British/USA, institutionalized, chattel slavery, human trafficking industry.
This We the People civilian based, National Day of The Emancipation Proclamation is the first-step “effort” to Congressional legislation of the greatest National Holiday in all US history, Tantamount to the Fourth of July, Independence Day.
In midst of the unprecedented, loud, political noises raging within America, like the Hebrew Shafar-horn is a clarion blare call to all US citizens to celebrate with Americans Africans of chattel slavery heritage, as they embrace their inheritance, bequeathed Abraham Lincoln.
With due respect, all other National Holidays, including January 15th “MLK, Jr. Day”, and June 19th “Juneteenth”, this one is:
- not a paid, four-work day leave, as it arrives on New Years Day, already of such benefit.
- Whereas, all other National Holidays are centered around celebrations, or solemnity of some memorable occurrence, but being void of transformative power, the “Fourth of July” and the “Emancipation Proclamation” – National Holidays are based on actual, direct, federal law enactment
With the intent of individual and/or collective “New Years” resolutions to increase their devotion to completing the “unfinished work” and “great task remaining before us”, by which being so conjoined together, We the People Americans, can finally…
…by the Gracious mercy of Almighty GOD, Whom Lincoln covenanted with concerning the military enforced Emancipation Proclamation, Mr. Lincoln deliberately coincided it with the same date of the January 1st, New Years Day celebrations.
For further narrative and background information, pleases view this link at: and general page of directory –
Thanks kindly, and see you at the Lincoln Monument in downtown, LA.