For the Sake of Saving The Union Republic
Why Conservatives and Republicans Must Embrace the National Commemoration Day of the January 1, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation.
The Two Sacred Covenants of El Elyon, Shaddai, ADONAI Elohim, Echad, GOD, and the self-purported “nation under HIM”, as HE Is The Central Figure in and of both Federal Laws between HIMSELF and the founding fathers’ Declaration of Independence and that with Abraham Lincolns’ Emancipation Proclamation.
Professional, historian scholars correctly insist that America today, can’t be fully understood and appreciated without the proper understanding of the so-called “Civil War” era, i.e., antebellum South, during the military conflict to liberate the Union’s chattel slaves and its’ post.
Also, such scholarly view declares that the Emancipation Proclamation is the Second, or Part II of the Declaration of Independence, hence, nullifying the First, because It rejected the only Americans held in generations-destroying chattel slavery, hence, giving rise to the “new”, Union Republic on this continent, whereby in his Gettysburg Address, Lincoln continues saying, “that this ‘new’ nation under GOD, shall have a NEW Birth of Freedom“, which is intertwined with that of federal, black citizens according to the 14th Amendment.
The Emancipation is equal to or tantamount to the Declaration of Independence, the First Law of the United States of America’s Union Republican Form of Government, enforceable, domestically and foreignly via the authority of Its’ Constitution, and when or if necessary, backed by the dispatching of military armed forces.
Therefore, whether conservative or liberal, Democrat or Republican, or otherwise, every US citizen is obligated, even mandated to respect and submit themselves to and under the Presidential Orders of the January 1, 1863, Emancipation Proclamation, Executive Order #95, of President Abraham Lincoln.
As every US citizen must comply with obey and support the Declaration of Independence, so must the same be applied to the Emancipation Proclamation with the same penalties if rebelled against.
Hence then, upon the penalty of national chastisement from The Most High, similar to that of HE exacted by US Civil War over this very matter here, not one American citizen has, or is allowed the luxury of choosing whether or not they will support-comply with this surprise-sudden call for the Congressional authorization of Presidential Executive Order #95, which is a new, “Federal National Commemoration Day”.
As a key to a building, this celebratory day opens the way to the authoritative powers of Sentence 2-B, whereby Its’ Subject Beneficiaries, i.e., “any of them” are exceptionally empowered to execute and implement “any effort they/we may make for their/our actual freedom.“
For any US citizen, whether in the government or private sectors, especially religious/spiritual, to reject this first step towards the Emancipation of America from the generational, nation-destroying consequences of chattel slavery, is oppression, as Sentence 2, B, requires them to follow the same edict ordered to the Executive Government and Military “to do no act or acts to repress any of them in any effort that they may make for their actual freedom.“
For Americans who say they are tired of the racial animous between white and black citizens but don’t wholeheartedly support this “any effort of any of them”, is indeed the highest of repressive acts by them, and risk suffering Divine consequences for their insurrection against The Most High GOD.
So to reject the First Step of opening the full powers of the Emancipation Proclamation by the “National Commemoration Day” objective, is to rebel against the GOD under Whom we say that we are under.
The Conservative Element Infiltrated The Republican Party
In the era is 1866-1877, the so-called Reconstruction of the former rebellious, insurrectionist southern Confederate States, as well as that of the super citizenship status of the militarily liberated, maintained, chattel slaves and their descendant children, i.e., today’s US federalized, black citizens.
The Democratic/Republican Compromise of 1877: Birth of Jim Crow
In 1877, to this very day, the conservative elements of America, which held/holds the same Judaic-Christian, traditional values that gave moral, even spiritual (Biblical) “sacred” grounds of support that chattel slavery is ordained of GOD Himself, infiltrated and took control of the 1854-56 Republican Party, to expel its original commission from GOD, The Central Figure of the Declaration of Independence.
Subsequently, this immoral, Biblically heretical, religious policy provided the driving impetus to the secular Democratic Party of the southern Confederate chattel slavery States within the so-called Americas’ “Bible Belt”.
The result of such dogged, religious fakery, inspired in the Name of GOD-Jesus, including Paul, whom He captured as His Servant, legislating the 245 years of chattel slavery, followed by 99 years of Jim Crowism, each respectively having generational devastations to this day.
Such is corpus delicti-body of evidence by these following facts:
- The chattel slave descendants of today, while being 11% of the national census, federal black citizens disproportionately lead all other ethno-racial demographics in nearly every, negative, national, social statistic.
- The two most visible, national manifestations of the generational devastations are:
A. Homelessness –
- of which the chattel slave descendants are over 60%; in LA, Its’ National Capital, and that of homeless, US military veterans, they being only 8-9% of LA City and County, federal black citizens are respectively in each jurisdiction, over 40% of societal caused policies and practices of 4045 years of unrequited, systemic racism;
- in Skid Row, downtown LA, black males of chattel slavery heritage are over 90% of the homeless population, followed by the females of such, too often with their children.
B. Black Youth violence – - Annually, circa 7,500 young black boys and men die by gunfire from the hands of each other, not counting those beaten-bludgeoned, stabbed, etc., to death, and thousands more wounded, and in prison from such tragic carnage.
Such is evidenced by the 1877-1952, deafening silence of the 1877 conservative captured, Republican Party, which from that time until the present has demonstrated its’ apparent approval of the racially discriminating Jim Crow codes-laws, enforced by the violence, even lynching via the Democratic Party’s paramilitary armed forces of several domestic, anti-black, racist, white supremacist terrorist groups such as, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).
The Three (3) Eras of the Presidential, “Second” Abraham Lincoln
Post the Presidency of the Hon. Andrew Johnson, Democrat, there are two (2) “Second Lincolns”
- First, 1870 – 1876, the Hon. Ret. Army Gen. Ulysses S. Grant, first, “Second Abraham Lincoln”, who worked to enforce the 1866 Civil Rights Act (The Act), Progenitor of the 14th Amendment, super citizenship status of the liberated chattel slave, new citizens, most notably by his leadership in enacting the Congressional 1870-71, 1st and 2nd Enforcement, i.e., Anti-KKK Act;
- Second, 1952-1960, the Hon. Ret. Gen. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, whose enforcement efforts led to federal black citizen students being granted their Citizenship Rights to the experiential “equal justice/protection under the law” opportunity to become literate, “as is enjoyed by white citizens” students.
- Third, 2016-1020, the Hon. President Donald J. Trump, of which we will speak later.
As Grant, President Eisenhower understood the imperative of student children be able to read, and comprehend, literate, that which is Presidentially bequeathed by the January 1, 1863, Emancipation Proclamation, and Congressional legislation, enforced by the US military, because as Lincoln admonished the fate of the Union Republic depends upon it.
This new, or revived 1854-56 Republican Party policy, under the Eisenhower Administration is what aggressively moved the 1954, Brown vs The Board Education Supreme Court Decision, followed by the September 9, 1957, Eisenhower-led, first Civil Rights Act, since 1875, and at its military enforcement at the Little Rock, Arkansas, Central High School on September 25, 1957.
The literacy of federal, black citizens Note:
From 1854 to 1954, being 100 years, began the 70 years evolution of the Subject Beneficiaries’ 2024 arrival into an average, fourth-grade literacy level, whereby they/we are empowered to read, comprehend, and effectuate their “actual freedom” for the sake of all America, i.e., to Save the Union.
Note: The 1957 Civil Rights Act was strongly filibustered and failed, by Senator Strom Thurmond, a Democratic Party, conservative.
Emancipation Proclamation and Declaration of Independence
This all-important matter of the Emancipation Proclamation, “National Commemoration Day” is tantamount to that of July Fourth, i.e., “Independence Day”, celebrating the Declaration of Independence. Its violent, bloody, victorious war for giving Freedom to all human beings, against “strong man” tyranny, is not a mere national holiday, as the other ten (10).
Rather, the Emancipation Proclamation, as the Declaration of Independence, superseding all the other federal national holidays, is to be prioritized as the Number One domestic matter, and not to be minimized, neglected, or relegated, even as just another appeasement matter for black citizens as is the “MLK Day” and “Juneteenth”, which essentially are two “happy” party days, void of transforming value.
The Other “Book End” or Part II of the Emancipation Proclamation
Such is expressed in the 2008, official Congressional Apology For Slavery and Jim Crow Resolution, HR #194 (Simple) which states that,
Whereas the story of the enslavement and de jure segregation of African Americans and the dehumanizing atrocities committed against them should not be purged from or minimized in the telling of American history;
See Apology Resolution at:
Conservative within the Republican Party must demonstrate their professed fervor of patriotism by acknowledging their generational mistakes and sins of omission in this matter, as well as the commissions of the liberal of the Democratic, and relinquish its “robber barons” hold, and return the Party to the 1854-56 commission, or loose the Union Republic.
It’s now their choice, not the “usual suspect” domestic or foreign enemies, as GOD’s discomfort is rather with us Americans, both white and black citizens.
Conservative Hesitancy
Therefore, it’s apparent that the “hesitancy” of certain conservatives, i.e., Republican Party elements to eagerly and joyfully embrace the “National Commemoration Day” initiative, as they responsibly should, reveals the necessity for them to finally, as we black citizens, become enlightened, and educated on the most fundamental matters at the center of our Union Republics’ foundations…or soon lose it.
Without this imperative understanding, though well intended, their great patriotic efforts to Save the Union and Keep Our Republic, are futilely in vain, as evidenced by the rapidly declining state of America, albeit, built upon the chattel enslaved backs of our ancestors.
Also, it seems that the conservative elements professing Jesus, The Jew (Christians) correctly identifying the Union as the first, Nordu Ordu Seclurum, Constitutional Republic, being “one nation under GOD”, have for decades relied on quoting to “America”, i.e., We the People, and most importantly, Into the ears of HIM Who originally Spoke That Word written in the Hebrew Holy Scripture-Torah/Tanakh of, II Chronicles 7:14…“If MY people…”
Since the early 1970s, religious and political conservatives have profusely quoted this very Holy Scripture concerning America’s fate, yet, to this present day, our Union is nearly dissolved and the Republican Form of Government, is lost, meaning GOD Is not heeding their supplications, but is continuing to shake the nation under HIM to Its foundation, even as a prophet, MLK prophesies in “Dream”.
“Nineteen sixty-three is not an end, but a beginning. And those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual.”
“There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.”
“Playing” With The Name of GOD, i.e., Taking HIS Name in Vain
“If MY people who are called by MY Name…”
Among other matters, this is particularly of interest, in that, HE Is speaking to the people called by HIS Name! Are we assuming that the Name of GOD Is “America”?
If so? How so?
It’s this kind of ambiguity and even ignorance of and in the Faith that is professed by the general, conservative-Republican Americans that is a major cause of this nation under GOD’s demise.
Such is particularly poignant, in the light of America’s declining state, being under GOD, that perhaps, the conservative-Judaic-Christian elements are woefully ignorant of Who and What GOD Is to the United States, the most powerful governmental entity in world history.
Hence, taking the Name of GOD in Vain!
“For a lack of knowledge (of GOD Himself Personally), MY people are destroyed” (Hosea 4:6)
Note: “Destroyed” (Heb. Abaddon) means destruction or “place of destruction”, or the realm of the dead, washed up, ruined, and is accompanied by Sheol- hell.
“You worship, what you do not know…” (John 4:22)
Need more to be said here?!?
The Holy and Sacred Lincoln/GOD Covenant
The Emancipation Proclamation, a sacred Covenant that President Lincoln made with GOD in the summer of 1862 is to be obeyed, particularly by a self-professed, nation under HIM, who claim HIS Holy name, and even coining a phase in involving HID authority and power, i.e., “Annuit Coeptis – “HE Has Favored Our Undertaking”.
This “undertaking” on behalf of We the People US citizens, whereby Congress appeals to “the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions” for understanding and protection to defend, protect, and promulgate, even with violence if necessary, the Liberty-Freedom Gifts of that The Creator bestowed upon all human beings equally, therefore, in our distress, we appeal to HIM with reliance for the merciful, protection of HIS Divine Providence
Conservatives and Republicans, including Democrats, et al, must immediately cease the policies of the robber barons to fully embrace the Lincoln/GOD Covenant via the Emancipation Proclamation “National Commemoration Day”, as the first step to America’s Emancipation.
The Sacred Path-Line-Thread of GOD In Binding and Non-Binding Documentation
- First, the July 2-4, 1776, Declaration of Independence, of and in which GOD, The Most High Is The Central Figure,
- Second, September 1789, Constitution, to enforce the Declaration
- Third, the January 1, 1863, Emancipation Proclamation
Based on: the 1st & 2nd Congressional Confiscation Act of US Military - Fourth, the November 19, 1863, Gettysburg Address
- Fifth, the March 5, 1864, Second Inaugural Address
- Sixth, the 1870 – 1871 Enforcement (Anti-KKK) Act
- Seventh, the August 28, 1963, MLK, Jr. “I Have A Dream”
Note: Emancipation Proclamation Opening, Lincoln alluded, GOD closes - Eighth, April 3, 1968, MLK, Jr. “Mountain Top – Promised Land Vision”
The President, Dwight D. Eisenhower factor:
- instigated May 17, 1954, Brown vs. Board of Education US Supreme Court Decision
- September 9, 1957, the Civil Rights Act, and Civil Rights Commission housed in the Executive Branch, i.e., the Presidency.
- On September 23, 1957, military enforced the desegregation of public schools
Americans are shaming the Name of GOD
Such evil hypocrisy has brought, and continues until rectified, shame upon the Name of GOD, The Almighty, of which through various warnings from individuals like President Thomas Jefferson, who states that when thinking of this crime against human all beings, i.e., chattel slaves, and HIS Judgment and Justice concerning them, he said that “I tremble for my nation”.
Some 20 years later, GOD sends the scourging punishment of the 1861-1865 Civil War, in which 740,000 plus, young, innocent, white boys and men, including 38,000 American Africans of such, as well as President Lincoln himself, perished in military combat over the matter of chattel slavery.
As a result of the chattel slavery matter has not yet been resolved, the Most High Is continuing HIS chastisement of our Union Republic, until the powerful, individual, and nation-transforming contents of the Emancipation Proclamation covenant are actualized according to Sentence 2, B.
“and the Executive Government of the United States, including the military and naval authority thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons, or any of them, in any efforts they may make for their actual freedom.”
The Sacred Role of the US Military
It’s time that all Americans, and the benefitting world of international communities, right now come to understand, and with warm respects, regards, courteous, appreciative thanks and embrace the reality, that without the military enforced, unwilling, backs of chattel slaves, the following would not exist:
- July 2-4, 1776, Declaration of Independence, neither the funds to wage the successful Revolution nor the September 1789 Constitution;
- nor the conservativism or liberalism, etc.
- nor the philosophical platitudes describing humanity’s GOD-given freedoms and inalienable rights to which We the People pledge to love, defend, and promulgate at all times, everywhere globally, the actual, originally intended, singular, only uniting, American Dream Ideal.
Note: Akin to each state not being allowed to by courts determine who is eligible to seek federal, public, elected office, such as the Presidency, as it would be the dissolution of the Union, neither can there be 350,000,000 plus American Dreams in our country.
- nor any of the present eleven (11) Federal, National Holidays that annually acknowledge our US American experiences as separate, divisive, individual, personalized “American Dreams”, when in reality, there is only One.
- nor the massive geophysical infrastructure, that gave rise to a great, “Babylonian” type, multi-ethno-racial-nationality mix of people, who by their inventive, genius, i.e., “Yankee-ingenuity” capabilities, which suddenly, arose as the world’s greatest exporter and importer of goods.
- The US even spawned 98% of the world’s low and high technological advancements, and associated industries, as well philosophies of freedom from “strong man” tyranny, into democracies and republics.
The Matter of Black Lives (
The Judaic Nation of Eretz Israel, the Arab nations, China, Ukraine, Russia, Europe, South Central and North America, i.e., Canada, Japan, Koreas’, African nations, et al, would not and cannot exist without the United States of America; which is the beautiful superstructure resting on the strong foundation of the chattel slaves’ backs.
Blessed Be The Nations
These “GOD bless America”, blessed nations, i.e., the whole world, continue to rightly scream at America (*federal government), the Beautiful, that “Black Lives Matter”, albeit, naturally not aware of what they were/are mouthing out of a heartfelt, emotional response to the unspoken conviction of the truth espoused here.
Of course, until now, the world has not been presented with a credible definition, education of what that cry is demanding of the United States on this matter, and presented by a viable representative of black lives in America, particularly emerging from the universal interest on homelessness.
That time of the fierce urgency of NOW, now suddenly comes, where, this is the emerging “overcome someday” reality by which the Subject Beneficiaries, bequeathed Inheritors of the Emancipation Proclamation powers, as well those of the subsequent federal laws about their federalized empowerment, are based upon.
Therefore, the “National Commemoration Day”, is the initial, “First Step” of the Subject Beneficiaries’ responsibility to activate the nation-transforming, Union Republic saving, lawfully deeded powers within the latent, Second portion of the living, Emancipation.
In this all-important 2024 Presidential election year, “any effort” of “any of them”, is now sacredly proclaiming, that in this sudden awakening, we can together, now apprehend, insert, and turn the “key” to the full, intended Emancipation of all America, as Elohim ADONAI has decreed in HIS Court of Heaven.
The nations of the world instinctively know the historical fact, that the benefits and unprecedented, global prosperity of commercial commodity and business, including intergovernmental, which they on land, seas, and air, enjoy, is technically, totally reliant upon the ancestral backs of the Black Lives of African, black American, US citizens.`
Such in mind, as The Creator of Abraham Lincoln, who all his life despised chattel slavery, regretting the hypocrisy of its existence in the “land of free”, is its greatest imperfection, as such nullifies the Idealistic platitudes of GOD-given Freedom, embodied in the Declaration of Independence, reading the US Constitution, void and laughable.
If the element of chattel slaves were eliminated from the foundational equation of what America fundamentally is, or ought to be, this great, wonderful, even miraculously, exceptional country would not exist.
As evidenced by the state and pall of doom hanging over Our Republic as well as the world, being based on the once solid foundation of America, the nations will continually be troubled by The Almighty ADONAI, Elohim, JAH, The Highest, with no relief.
“There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges.” (MLK “Dream”)
“And in those times, there was no peace to him that went out, nor to him that came in, but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the countries. And nation was destroyed of nation, and city of city: for God did vex them with all adversity.” (II Chronicles 15:5.6)
“And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.” (Mathew 24: 6, 7)
In the Second Inaugural Address of March 5, 1864, Lincoln himself also confirmed this matter of GOD displeasure with Americans concerning chattel enslavement of HIS American African children.
“Yet, if God wills that it continue until all the wealth piled by the bondsman’s two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, so still it must be said, “the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.”
The Supreme Judge of all the world is not heeding “the fervent prayers of the righteous” whereby we and the nations can be healed of their/our mortal-threatening wounds at the Hands of The LORD of Heavenly Armies, because this element of freedom in HIS Name has not, nor is being properly attempted to be rectified in HIS Sight.
Lincoln’s’ Legacy: Only the Children of the Chattel Slaves Can Save the Union
This is the hard lesson that President Abraham Lincoln, sincerely and politically thinking that he could Save the Union without not making chattel slavery the central and foundational cause of the great, Democratic Party, Christian conservative supported, violent, bloody, murderous confederate Insurrection of 1861-1865.
GOD, The Creator, Supreme Judge, and Central Figure of the Declaration of Independence enlightened Lincoln to understand that without this his moral high ground cause, Saving the Union was impossible and would not be allowed by HIM, until the Emancipation Proclamation, Presidential Executive Order #95 was issued.
Conservatives Must Not Reject, Republicans Dare Not
Mr. Lincoln thought that the then Union could be saved from the great insurrection without the American African chattel slaves as its central “that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion…”, so today the conservative and Republican elements made the same mistake.
These two elements should be very happy, and rejoiceful that the day President Lincoln bequeathed 161 years ago, that “We shall overcome someday” is now here, as the Beneficiaries Emancipation Proclamation Subject Beneficiaries are finally, literately awakening to their Inheritance in the United States as federal citizens (second State), by which they will execute their gift of freedom from GOD to significantly help Save the Union to Keep Our Republic.
Such provides the foundation of Liberty and Freedom, etc., to all other peoples from various nations who Constitutionally enter the USA to be law-abiding citizens, without which these legal immigrants would and could not exist.
Their patriotism and fate of this erroneously purported “nation of immigrants” under GOD, will be determined by how they responded to this “any of them in any effort they may make for their actual freedom”.
Regardless of their openness or even bigotry, prejudices, racism, and classisms, towards federal black citizens, like it or not, agree or disagree with their “any efforts”, all Americans of immigration heritage have no choice, but to participate, with the foundational people this nation existence.
This is a historical fact. It’s high time that all the willing immigrants of America finally join the President and military, to obey the edicts ordered to them respectively contained within the Emancipation Proclamation, to “recognize and maintain the freedom of such persons, and will do no act or acts to repress such persons in efforts that they may make for their actual freedom.”
For conservatives, who are of willing immigration heritage, to not join “any effort” to federalize the Emancipation Proclamation as an official “National Commemoration Day”, is the highest act of repression against us, particularly as their liberty and freedom depend on that of the Americans of unwilling chattel slavery heritage.
They must understand that our chattel enslaved ancestors, being woefully illiterate, did not conceive, legislate, nor enforce these federal laws, i.e., Emancipation Proclamation, 1866-68 Civil Rights/14th Amendment Act, but rather the immigrant Americans have done so, primarily those of the 1854-56 Republican Party.
Then again, it was the conservatives of the Civil War era who gave the Biblical religious-moral conviction to the Democratic Party to justifiably legislate chattel slavery and Jim Crowism.
The Natural Matter For Republicans
So therefore, Republicans should be glad and joyful that the Subject Beneficiaries of this federal law, tantamount to the Declaration of Independence, for great reason, are awakening to it, and celebrating this special “Day” with us annually on New Year’s Day.
Finally, without hesitancy, but with joy, it is natural for Republicans to embrace this new, timely legislation of the National Commemoration Day of the Emancipation Proclamation, as it is legislated enacted by the Republican Party of 1854-56,
This is their, conservatives and Republicans, including liberals and Democrats, et al’s moment of redemption from such.
Take it or leave it!