A National Plan & Strategy To Break The Cycle of Homelessness"

The Narrative by Theodore "Ted" Hayes, Jr., Homeless Activist


The E.G.I.I.P. In Brief
The E.G.I.I.P. calls for the creation of alternative "Tributaries" to the Mainstream. Those alternatives are environments in which homeless people can become responsible and productive citizens to themselves and the Mainstream of society as well.


The creation of these tributaries, are the transitional phases of the plan that lead results in the fourth and final phase, which is the establishment of Planned Communities. 


These transitional phases are necessary due to the fact that once persons acclimate to the environment of homelessness immediate replace into the "Mainstream" would be too much of a shock to them.


The return to or even first time entry into mainstream of society must be gradual and calculated, otherwise individuals and their families would eventually react negatively to placement, and the effort put forth for them would have been in vain.

The Four Phases of Transition

The EGIIP is implemented in four transitional phases: Phase I - The Intake; Phase II - Orientation and Direction; Phase III - Social Adjustment; Phase IV - Destination - Mainstream or  Decentralization into Planned 21st Century Industrial Communities.

The Transitional Phases:
These transitional phases are necessary due to the fact that once a person has acclimated to the homelessness environment, immediate placement into the "Mainstream" would be too much of a shock.  The return to or even first time entry into mainstrream must be gradual and calculated, otherwise the individual would eventually react negatively and the effort put forth would be in vain.

It would take the average Homeless person to transition from Phase I to Phase IV several months, depending on the amount of self motivation that is exercised.

Essentially, E.G.I.I.P. is calling for the de-centralization of the Urban Centers and the development of New American communities throughout the
United States with Los Angeles as the pinnacle of leadership.

The Philosophy of E.G.I.I.P.

After assessing the homelessness situation in the United States, it is clear that if we are to actually "break the cycle of homelessness", or even to "manage" it, there must be a National Plan and Strategy, supported by a National Policy, which essential is the presentation here.

In order for any National Plan to achieve its goal, it has to have the fervor of the "Marshall Plan" (European Recovery Act) for the rebuilding of
Europe at the end of WWII.


Apart from such an "all out", comprehensive effort against homelessness in America, our work is a waste of private as well as public funds, time, and resources.


However, failure to immediately devise and implement a National Plan could be the very undoing of our nation, ironically being a nation of homeless peoples, i.e., willing immigrants and those whom they brought to America as slaves.

The concept of the Exodus Genesis Initiative Plan (EGIIP) is the only such approach to the ravages of homelessness in the
United States and the western world.


The EGIIP is derived from the 12 year experience of Ted Hayes purposely dwelling with Homeless people in Los Angeles with the deliberate objective of understanding homelessness and seeking viable solutions to it.

The EGIIP ultimately leads to the voluntary exodus of masses of people from dense and over-populated urban areas and relocating them into "planned", alternative communities, but highly productive.


These new and innovative "planned" communities will be self sustaining by the production of various commodities that are 21st Century orientated.


For the moment these planned communities are called 21st Century Industrial Communities.

The Exiled and Banished, Outcast of Society

The Homeless are the populations that have literally been pushed, exiled, banished to the outer edges of society, what the Bible calls the cast outs or the outcast because of their economical, political, social, and religious weaknesses.


Not only are they banished and exiled right within the city itself, but the obstacles placed in their way are insurmountable denying them entry into the mainstream of society.


Make matters worse, outcast are publicly maligned and branded as "outlaws" by an increase of legislating local municipal codes directly aimed at them, because of the failure of the safety net structures.


The great flaw of society is that the safety net structures are focused only on trying to catch folks before they fall to very bottom near the black hole of homelessness.


However, without a viable mechanism to move folks off the net into productive citizenship, it fills with the fallen and by shear weight of numbers break the system.


The EGIIP not only assist the national safety net, but it also move them off into productive citizenship.

One of the major causes of homelessness and other social ills is due to and perpetuated by the density and overpopulation of an area.


Not only is the land and environment polluted, but the very souls/ psyches of the people themselves.


To attempt to remedy a social ill caused by the very environment that it is found in, is like bathing with soaps, oil fragrances in a tub of sewage filth. It is cyclic!

The Mass Exodus

The Exodus/Genesis portion of EGIIP is the migration of homeless and/or other inner and suburban, including rural individuals from areas that can no longer sustain them.


This exiting of populations is as necessary as evacuating a burning building.


Note: If a building filled with crowds of people is burning, the first to leave would be those nearest the exit doors. Therefore, it stands to reason that, a city that is "afire" with terminal social ills, whose "flames" could be "doused" simply by the exodus of some of its populations, the homeless should be the first to exit.

Example: If 500 well educated, highly intelligent, finely cultured and sophisticated people were locked in a room having the capacity to host only 150 for 3 days, pure madness would ensue.


The psychological, social and physical illnesses that would be conceived and developed is unimaginable!


As civil as those people are and were even trained to be, the natural law of "survival of the fittest" would dictate that the strongest must survive, while the weakest are to be pushed out of existence.

  • Not that this law is necessarily a bad principle, for it is the order that allows for the continuation of the species! However, in our zeal to personally survive, we must remember that we are human beings with the ability to think through some of these natural laws towards better solutions.

In the "overcrowded room", food, clothing, money, medicine, counseling, etc., are not what is needed to alleviate the suffering that is occurring, but rather, more space.


If more room were available, the people could spread out and calm down, hence, causing the cessation of at least half, if not most, of the ills related to human density.


Since we cant enlarge the room, the next best and most sensible alternative is to free some of the people to eave it.


Naturally, the people who would have the honor to be relieved from that horrible, overcrowded condition would be the ones nearest the door.


It is they who are fortunate enough to be pushed from the middle to the outer "edges" by the strongest, because they get to leave the horror first.  And the first shall be last, and the last shall be first The Bible

Exoduses Are Historically Normal: Why Not Now?

The EGIIP concept is not calling for something new in the development of civilization in human civilization, but that which has been a tried and true practice since of human societies first began.


Being social creatures, we tend to eventually migrate from rural to urban areas, or cease to be nomadic and settle down to building established villages, towns and sprawling cities.


When these cities become sprawling urban centers with the social ills resulting from the pollution of construction density and overpopulation, accompanying them, a dire need for new spaces emerge with that people.

Unfortunately, if "free" open frontiers do not exist, then the expanding peoples militarily takes land from others.


Forcefully taking already settled lands from other peoples is wrong, however, the issue here is the fact that land space is needed and must be attained one way or the other for the overpopulated.

The Biblical, Historical, Hebrew Exodus From
According to the Book of Exodus of the Hebrew Scriptures, the Torah, ancient Hebrew peoples exited the
land of Egypt because of social, economic, political and religious oppression.


Their condition, slavery, which was brought on by the rejection that they received from the mainstream of Egyptian society which was intolerable!


If the Hebrew people could not be accepted in that society as having equal justice and opportunities, then they must leave, exit it.

After some fancy and forceful persuasion, the Egyptian society realized that a massive exodus of the Hebrew people would be in its best interest.


The rejected Hebrews literally left that repulsive land on the continent of Africa to go another land called Canaan.


There they would begin a new life (* Genesis) where they were no longer oppressed, but at liberty to live as they envisioned GOD of their fathers wanted them to, and take on the succeeding responsibilities that goes with freedom.

Not only were the Hebrew people elated about leaving a hostile environment to seek a new life, but the Egyptian people themselves were eager and glad to see them go, thanks to good persuasion tactics. In fact, they even helped to finance the great exodus with reparations.

However, instead of instantly arriving to the new land, after they had left the old, the Hebrews migration was gradual and transitional (40 years).


The purpose of the "transitional" period was for the people to unlearn the old destructive ways of the society that had rejected and pushed them to its outer edges, in order to adapt to the productive ways of a new one.

This biblical concept holds true today. For what ever reasons, society has given birth to homelessness, and rejected the people entrapped or held bondage to it.

The impossible response to resolve the tragedy is to attempt to mainstream Homeless People; the unacceptable is to leave the situation as is; the intolerable is to outlaw and imprison them; the last option, is EXODUS and re-settle.

Exodus With Transition

If the exodus is to be successful, it will have to take place transitionally.


In other words, between Point A, the urban center, and Point B, the new land, there must be period in which the peoples of the Exodus have the opportunity to shed old ways, while learning the new ways of the new life to be.


This gradual, transitional process will prevent a state of shock which will impede the progress of the EGIIP. Any effort to simply "round-up" the homeless and immediately remove them from the urban area to some remote location without transition, nor means of support is cruel, insensitive, inhumane and unjust.


Also any such effort must and will be met with demonstrative opposition from the American people, led by me. The concept of Transition is the "back-bone" of the EGIIP which is designed to "break the cycle of homelessness" and empower homeless people.


To attempt an exodus without transition, is foolish, thoughtless and doomed to failure.

* The Three Component "Keys"

For the exodus of the ancient Hebrew people from
Egypt to actually occur it has to have three interlocking components.


They are: government cooperation; a destination (land); and most importantly, the will of the people.


Frankly, through the process of elimination of the options, they realized, as did the Egyptian people, that exodus was the only viable way to resolve the crisis.

The Pilgrims Exodus of
Europe and The American Dream
The pilgrims, that original collective of individuals who made that first journey across the
North Atlantic Ocean to America, also recognized that they had no other recourse, but to leave Europe.


They reasoned for obvious reasons not to continue their attempts to re-enter the mainstream of that continents nations!  So the instead, left it.

Remember, the religious, political, economic and social oppressions of mainstream towards these peoples must have been pretty horrible for them to uproot from their native lands, become homeless in transition, brave the cold, dangerous waters of the ocean, suffer the misery of uncertainty, all in order to begin (Genesis) a new home in

The success of the Pilgrims was the American Dream of Liberty, Justice,
Opportunity and land crying "send these, the homeless".


That dream drew them! However, we must never forget, that it was the European Nightmare of bondage, cruelty, lack of space that chased them out of Europe.


This wonderful American dream drew and drove them!

Also, multinational corporations invested in the American Dream, the British Government, and of course, the will of Pilgrims themselves.


It must be emphasized that any Exodus that does not have the component of the Will of The People to exit, is oppression and exile. It must and will be resisted.

The Statue of
After the Pilgrims made that first successful landing on the North American continent at what became known as
Plymouth, Massachusetts, other Europeans uprooted and followed them.


Out of necessity, they caught the fever of the American Dream, and escaped the European Nightmare, becoming homeless in order to start a new home.


It was out of this necessity to be free from the oppressions of Europe and to have a free future for their descendants that they built America into the great nation of immigrants, i.e., homeless peoples and chattel slaves that it is today.

The French people acknowledged and saluted our American ancestors in all that they believed and all that they achieved when they presented this nation of homeless peoples with a giant statue called Liberty Enlightening the World, later titled, the Statue of Liberty.

Inscribed on the plaque held in the right arm and hand of "Ms. Liberty" is a poem written by Emma Lazarus entitled "The New Colossus", which sums the whole idea of the exodus from the state of oppression to an existence of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness". The woman says to the lands of oppressions,
"Give me your tired,
your poor,
your huddled masses
yearning to breathe free.
The wretched refuse
on your teeming shores,
send thesethe Homeless,
the tempest tossed, to me.
I lift my lamp
beside the golden door".

Exiled Immigrants-Homeless Peoples

Ironically, the statue is also called the Mother of Exiles. The original founders of the American peoples were outcast, exiles from their own lands of nativity.


The spirit of the Mother of Exiles says to the world, "I will take the rejects of your society. I will offer them freedom in exchange for their necessity to invent a new and better life, which will make me great." 


It has been said that "One mans garbage is another mans treasure."  Apparently, the "Mother of Exiles" has a sister whose name is "Necessity, the Mother of Invention."  


Is it any wonder, in just a few hundred years , America has given birth to a new and possibly the greatest nation in the history of humanity, the United States of America.

This country is a nation of exiled immigrants who have intense needs.


Where there isnt any need, there is no desire, where there is no desire, there is no dream, where there is no dream there is no vision, where there is no vision the people perish.


Today homelessness in America need not be viewed as shameful, nor un-redeemable.


Homelessness is the tool of remembrance. It is to cause us to look back and reflect on the plight of our brave ancestors, and out of the dire need to "breathe free", draw upon our "Yankee ingenuity" and solve the homelessness problem.

It is the ravaging nature of homelessness in
America that will ultimately shake us out of our lethargy, causing us to rise up and invent innovative tools that will propel us forward into a great third century.


America can have the opportunity to reinvigorate the flame of Liberty Enlightening the World, that Homeless peoples exiled around the earth will be inspired with hope and vision to overcome any obstacle that challenges them.

For Americans to reject Homeless People, is to "fly in the face" of our ancestors betraying their pilgrimage, their suffering, and sacrifice.


To oppress the Homeless is to oppress ourselves. Its a mockery of the American Dream, turning our fore parents vision into the American Nightmare.

What is being proposed in the EGIIP is not new. Along with other exodus of history, EGIIP is simply a dream "deeply rooted" in the American Dream. In fact, it is the evolution of the American Dream.

With the homeless populations becoming what they are, and the threat that homelessness poses to the American civilization, it is time that we metaphorically turn the Statue of Liberty, the Mother of Exiles around from calling to lands elsewhere, to facing this nation.


Allow her to move away from the overburdened urban centers to new territories within the United States. Let her cry out this time to America

"Give methe wretched refuse in your teeming cities,  send these, the Homeless, the tempest tossed to me,.."

As soon as we do, we can rest assured that her sister "Necessity, the Mother of Invention" will inspire and stir the "Yankee genius" inherent in all of us to devise solutions to our needs.

The American Exodus, "Go West Young Man, Go West".

The migration movement West from the
Eastern U.S. is another example that EGIIP is not a new idea.


This migration came as a result of  social pressures on over-populated eastern cities lacking gainful employment opportunities, thereby rejecting people.


Instead of repeating the oppressions of Europe against their ancestors whom they exiled, the American people and their government provided people with the option of staying, attempting the daunting task of re-entering the mainstream or exiting and traveling to a new destination in the western territories of the North American continent. "Go West, young man. Go West".

Over the years, populations left the eastern cities and headed west in what is termed the "Homestead Movement".


Gradually, the American immigrants who moved westward into the Louisiana Territory and beyond the Mississippi River, and on into what became the Western states of the Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Colorado, California, Oregon, Washington State, etc.


Its as though the immigrants which later became known as Settlers, were being led by the Mother of Exiles and her sister the Mother of Invention, into these new Western destinations.

In order for the
United States to become as great as it is today, it could not afford to let its populations languish in its east coast cities, but rather devised a plan that could help them while simultaneously strengthening itself.


It was in the best interest of the United States and the American peoples to develop a plan of Exodus and Destination (Genesis).

The only regret is that the plan came at the horrible and nightmarish expense of the Native Peoples a major issue yet to be addressed by the American peoples and our government.

The Great Mormons Exodus

Another example of the Exodus/Genesis (leaving and going to) concept is that of the Mormon or Church of the Latter Day Saints in the mid-1800s.


In 1847, due to religious persecution, (which led to social, political, and economic repression) in the states of New York, Ohio and Missouri, the Mormons exited and went to a region now known as Salt Lake City Utah.

By 1849, these outcasts went on to organize for themselves a civil government.


In 1850, The Congress of the U.S. created the area into the Territory of Utah. Then finally in 1896, Utah was admitted into the United States as the 45th state of the Union. Today, Salt Lake City, the Capital of Utah, is one of the most thriving cities in the world. America can now be proud of the very peoples whom were cast out of mainstream society by religious oppression.

Ironically, the very thing that the original ancestors left
Europe over, their descendants were practicing on another people.


However, the spirit of Ms. Liberty and that of her sister Necessity, moved to Salt Lake and cried "Send these, the homeless, the tempest tossed to me."

In this case, the three components for an exodus were not there simultaneously, but rather consecutively.


The first two were the will of the people (Mormons themselves) and their own investments; finally the government sanctioned their exodus and its subsequent results.

Liberia, Africa, The Great Monroe Plan For Black Americans
In the 1830s, President James Monroe along with Black leaders of the time devised a plan that would exodus freed Black slaves from America back to continental West Coast Africa.


When the three components were in place, the government; corporate/business investment; and will of the freed slaves themselves, a ship load of Black people left the United States and sailed back to Africa.


They finally settled in the region now known as Liberia. Monroeville, its capital city was named after the President who initiated the Exodus/Genesis.

Lincoln Plan For Black Americans
During the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proposed a plan to the Black leadership at the time of a mass exodus from the
United States to a region in Central America. Of course, this was roundly rejected.


Apparently, later, President Ullyses S. Grant proposed another similar plan, that also was rejected by Black peoples

Post Civil War Exodus of Blacks From The South To The North

At the end of the American Civil War, thousands of emancipated Black peoples, particularly men, exited the oppressive South, and went to the Northern cities such as Chicago, New York, Detroit, Washington D.C. etc., where they could have a Genesis of life.

Lands of the Exiles:
America, Australia and the State of Georgia
- The continent nation of Australia was originally settled by outcast and social exiles of Englandparticularly prison inmates from overcrowded prisons.

American Colonies (Including Georgia ) - Used As A Receptacle For Englands Unwanted
Before the War of 1776, the British government regularly shipped many convicts to its American colonies.

The practice, called Transportation, helped to relieve overcrowding in British jails. Of course, the people in prison who were Transported were those who had not committed dangerous capital crimes (murder, etc.), but rather those of nuisance, such crimes as petty stealing, street brawling, owing debts, loitering, public inebriation, trespassing, etc.


These are crimes that a person would commit as a consequence of their social, economic, political status in society.


They are those individuals who have been pushed out of mainstream into a state of exile within their own land...Homeless. (*"Send these").

If there is a silver lining in this seemingly insensitive practice, is that the removal of inmates who were not serious criminals, allowed space for those who were, and needed to be put off the streets for the safety of all citizens, including those who were Homeless.

Apparently, the government officials were realistic about these peoples prospects of becoming productive in the mainstream society of
England, so as an alternative, it provided them a "free ticket" to an opportunity to start their lives anew.


Being transported to the colonies was better than being confined in prison, or living in the filthy and dangerous oppressive streets of English cities.


Also, though risky, those minimum security inmates will, at least, get another chance at life by being relocated to a destination in the wonderful new world of the American Dream.

Compared to what they had, its as though they had won the "lottery". For the first time their homeless status meant that they were important and needed to help their country.


In this case homelessness was not the end of their life, but indeed the beginning, the Genesis, of a new and adventurous one.


They were going to America, the land of Dreams and opportunities. Of course, they werent asked to go, they were just sent against their will. ("send thesethe homelessto me"), which will not nor can not be the case in the New Exodus within America according to the EGIP.

Transportation To
When the Revolutionary War ended in 1783,
Britain could no longer send these convicts to the colonies in America, so they had to find another place to Transport them. In 1786, the British government decided to start a prison colony specifically for British convicts in New South Wales, Australia.

The demographics of the original settlers were 500 males and 160 female convicts; about 200 British soldiers who served as guards, with about 30 of their wives and a few children.


It was during the 1790s that other British and Irish citizens voluntarily went to New South Wales in search of the "Australian Dream", and exiting the oppressions of Europe.


From 1786 until the mid 1900s most of the people immigrating to Australia were English and Irish. However, after WWII ended in 1945, the government began a special exodus to Australia for mainland or continental Europeans who had been made homeless by the war.

Today, Australia is a thriving, progressive nation with many prosperous cities such as Sydney, and Melbourne. In fact, the Summer Olympics of year 2,000 A.D. will be hosted by
Sydney, Australia.


This continental wilderness land has become a major world power based on an exiled peoples need to survive. As the United States, who has a similar Genesis, Australia was created by the spirit of Liberty, Mother of Exiles, and Necessity, Mother of Invention.

*Again, The Three Components

In the original settlement of
New South Wales, Australia, one of the three components needed for a just exodus was missing in the effort.


In this case, the government did not ask the then prison inmates whether or not they wanted to go, but rather ordered them. The will of the people was not involved, at least not at first.  The funds, transportation and resources were also made available by the private sector.

It was only later that the Transported people realized the new opportunity that they had unwittingly received by being sent to Australia. Later in the mid 1790s, many other peoples went there voluntarily after the successful venture of those earlier "prison colony" settlers of 1786.


Unfortunately, this Exodus and Genesis of fleeing Europeans into New South Wales, oppressed the local Aboriginal peoples into a state of homelessness within their own homes, as the Native peoples of America suffered a similar fate at the hands of Europeans.

Modern State of Israel
One of the most profound Exodus experiences in recent history is that which has led to the creation and continued development of the modern Jewish State of Israel!


In the late 1800s, in response to oppression, European Jews formed a movement called Zionism for the purpose of establishing a Jewish State in Palestine.

The people of Israel left Europe and created hundreds of tiny communities called Kibbutzim, in the Middle East where they worked hard and efficiently to cultivate the barren land, which led to the formation of the Sovereign State of Israel.

In 1948,
Israel with a population of 806,000, officially became a sovereign state. Between 1948 and  the mid-1980s, 1.8 million Jews migrated to Israel.


The vast majority came from Europe. Today Israel has a population of 4.4 million people.


The tiny state has grown to be one of he most advanced nations in high technology and military might. Like the U.S., it was the spirit of Liberty, the Mother of Exiles and Necessity, the Mother of Invention that inspired those Jewish exiles to leave the oppressions of Europe, to go and build the State of Israel in the face of all odds.

Israel has grown to a dangerous point of density and overpopulation due to the birth rate and massive immigration of Jews who are part of the continuing Exodus from what they consider oppressive societies.


In order to alleviate this problem, the Israeli government is planning a massive Exodus from the Urban areas of the north, south into the Negev Dessert. By utilizing technological ingenuity, Israel will cultivate the dessert into a habitable environment in which people can live and prosper.

*Again, The Three Components

In the case of the State of Israel, all three components were present in its creation; the government i.e. the United Nations, which voted to designate a certain region of Palestine for the Israeli State; resources from governments and private investments; and of course, the will of the Jewish peoples. Unfortunately, many of the Arab peoples were not willing for the Jewish State to exist and still resist it.

The Initiative/Incentive Aspect of EGIIP Initiative - By no means is the EGIIP the "end all, to cure all". It is designed to initiate a national movement to devise a plan to eradicate homelessness in


It is not possible for the JHUSA organization to meet such a daunting task alone, however its objective is to stimulate a broad based effort to that end.

Dome Village concept itself is simply a catalyst. It is not even the Phase I of the EGIIP, but rather a laboratory or test model, for what can be achieved.


Though the village concept is "a test", it nevertheless embodies or contains the elements and seed components for a national approach to breaking the cycle of homelessness. Actually the Dome Village is a seed for a national plan with the necessary "seeds" that will manifest in their due seasons, i.e.,.roots, trunk, bark, sap, branches, leaves, blossoms, fruit, back to seed.

Incentive - In order for there to be a national plan to break the cycle of homelessness incentives for all participating parties: government, corporate business, and the will of the people who are the subjects of concern.


The Two Incentives

There are two kinds of incentives that are equal for them all, they are; The Draw and the "Kick In The Ass (KITA) Incentives.

The "Draw " Incentive is one that demonstrates or convinces the participant that the plan would benefit and prosper them. In other words, "If you do such and such, you will receive what you invested, plus interest. It is good for you!"

The K.I.T.A. Incentive is one that demands compliance, or expects negative and destructive results.   Generally, human beings will not function unless a very strong reason prevails, such as survival. KITA says to the homeless person, "Either get off the streets through one or several of the provided venues, or become subject to arrest facing time in jail.

However, KITA also speaks to the non-homeless who are in positions of influence, affluence and power. It says, "Get the homeless off the streets, or face health and safety problems, which leads to business flight".


The issue is not "getting the homeless off the streets" but rather the tactics by which its done. At present, local municipalities are legislating laws specifically aimed at the homeless populations.

Though it may eventually achieve its goal, it would have been at the cost of our freedom, because law enforcement was used to do it.


It will make America a fascist state.


The prospects of this action is repulsive to American people.  Fascism is what American peoples have always fought against. To succumb to it will be a betrayal of our ancestors. KITA says, "Fix it, or else".

In order for any national plan to be significantly effective, including the EGIIP, it must have points of self interest to everyone involvedThe Government, Businesses and Corporations, the people - local communities, the Homeless themselves.

Should the United States fail to act nationally on homelessness in America, the worst scenario are:
     * the Homeless populations will increase in numbers and complexities;

     * the streets and public places of social gathering will be inundated with the people residing in them, accompanied by the subsequent trash and filth;

     * general concerns of the growing threats to local business and neighborhood interests, and to public health and safety will cause a PR backlash that is presently leading to the persecution of the Homeless Peoples through the legislation of local municipal codes specifically designed against them (Outlaws) and their existence;

     * the eventual arrest and incarceration of the masses of Homeless peoples into boot or work camps and other various forms of penal institutions, which will turn the U.S. Federal and local governments into fascist states.

All of this disaster will come about because
America abandoned the Just Cause, and chose law enforcement to resolve social maladies, such as homelessness.  


If this occurs, all that our founding parents struggle for, "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.." will be lost.


The spirit of liberty will leave this land, taking her inventive sister Necessity along with her. America has postured itself in its short history as the champion of Freedom, Democracy, Civil Liberty, Justice, and Human Rights within the U.S. and abroad.

American can ignore the ancient cry of the heritage of our founding parents thereby betraying their suffering, or we can fulfill the yearning of all peoples to breathe free, by our example to justly resolve a deep, emotional, political, social crisis.


Of course, homelessness has been with human civilization from the beginning of recorded history.

Yes, it is a huge and practically impossible task to manage or tame homelessness throughout the world.


Yet, as the late Robert F. Kennedy believed, so must we: "Some men see things as they are and ask 'why I dream things that never were, and say Why not?".


Why not resolve homelessness in America?


We have the resources, the technology and the will of the people to accomplish it.

Why not? It is in all of our best interest

See Summary   A Basic Blue Print

The E.G.I.I.P.
(Exodus Genesis Initiative/Incentive Plan)
See Summary

The J.S.A.P.

Law Enforcement Working Group

"...send these,
   the homeless..."