The Chronicles of

The Martin Luther King, Jr.

National Monument

"I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood."



Sunday, August 28,2011

The Tidal Basin in the National Mall, Washington, DC

“The Table of Brotherhood” Who Is Eligible To Be Seated

Not Illegal Aliens - Foreign Civilian Invaders


In light of the MLK, Jr. DREAM Act 2012 (a bill)


Sunday, August 28th, will mark the 49th anniversary of the great Civil Rights march and rally, in Washington, DC, Saturday, August 28,1963.


It was then and there at the Lincoln Memorial, Rev.- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. presented his landmark speech, “I Have A Dream”.


Supposedly in a spirit of hope, this monument is the celebration of a Dream yet unrealized!


This celebration is especially poignant and highly suspicious, given the staggering unemployment statistics of Blacks nationally as well as disproportionately and often numerically leading all others in nearly every negative social statistic.


Therefore, what are all these Table crashing folks celebration?   


The invitational theme to attend and/or support the dedication of the monument entitled, “The Promissory Note”, is “The Table of Brotherhood”.   A quick glance at the prophetic utterances of Dr. King, Jr., and this whole monument idea raises the eyebrows.  Get it? 


Please read, re-read and study the “I Have A Dream” speech, especially the first half, which is Promissory Note.


As to who is eligible to attend his Table fellowship, King says “I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood.”


It is clear that King is not prophesying of illegal aliens (federal term for foreigners within the geo-physical border of the United States without official permission from the proper federal authorities and the consent of the governed citizens), because they don’t fit the experiential profile, as they are desperately trying to do.


“Table of Brotherhood: For Whites and Blacks Only”

Yes!  The Table of Brotherhood is DISCRIMINATORY in its intention


It is not the intention of the Promissory Note spirit and agenda to sit folks at the Table who don’t have experience in the reason for it and the monument, etc, especially not illegal aliens are ineligible.  To do so is an affront and offense against the those whom it is mandated by the Constitution.


Experience, Not Racial Profiling

The Table of Brotherhood is a generated spiritual atmosphere in which certain White and Black peoples in the United States (profiled as one being former property and the other, former proprietor) can equitably, without casting blame, have “whispered”, civil conversations leading to Healing this New Nation of the slavery-race “wound” it inherited from the British Empire July 4,1776.


It is American US Black and White citizens, and/or legitimate, committed to the Healing process immigrants who are warmly welcomed to the MLK Table of Brotherhood, but everyone else is Constitutionally discriminated against and excluded from attending the fellowship discussion.


Is this law of the Promissory Note, therefore “Juan” Crow-ism? Yes it is! And Rightly so!


Is it racially, ethnically, nationalistically, religiously, immigrant scrutinized, and illegal alien, segregationist as such? Yes it is! And correctly so.


Note: The mandates of the 14th Amendment and the Civil Rights Act of 1866. Direct link at


The organizers of the monumental celebration are deluded and intoxicated with their own self-perceived sense of power, in that they once again will disobey another admonition of Dr. King’s prophetic dream for the sons of former slaves and former slave owners.


It is the mandate that in order for legitimate immigrants to participate in the bounty of the Table of Brotherhood, they must embrace and help to enforce the Promissory Note to the sons of the slaves, otherwise they are not welcomed either.


What has the Arab, Asian, African et al, Muslim immigrant, legal or illegal have to do with the Table of Brotherhood between Black and White American citizens? Nothing!  They are ineligible.


Or the Europeans, Africans, Hispanic/Latinos, refugees of foreign lands in their particular races and ethnicities for that matter?  Nothing!  The are not eligible.


What of their experience can they add to the conversation about hurting experience in America to help us broker the Constitutional mandated healing and peace settlement between the former slaves and former slave owners? Nothing!  They have not equitable experience in the matter between the former slaves and former slave owners.


Immigrants who have no empathy for the folks that made it possible for them to be in the United States are also not welcomed to the Table of Brotherhood to partake in the Promissory Note either.  This is especially true for illegal alien invaders


These folks can add absolutely nothing!  All they can do is take as they are indeed robbing the Civil Rights benefits from those to whom it is Constitutionally due in the name of race, skin color, ethnicity and minority or even majority status.


If indeed, they want access to Kings’ Table of Brotherhood, then they should act like brothers concerned for those to whom it is meant and “get up from it” and support the mandates of the US Constitution to whom Civil Rights benefits belong!


These folks are Constitutional enemies of the conjoined, White and Black Brothers citizens as they are trying to seat themselves at the Table of Brotherhood while behaving more like “Robin – Ku Klux-Klan-hooded bandits robbing the Legacy of Dr. King, Jr. and that of the American brotherhood Civil Rights Legacy and Heritages.


Shamefully, the organizers and African-American intelligentsia leadership is leading and encouraging this ravaging of the Table of Brotherhoods Promissory Note, and even the Stone of Hope. 


Such is another reason that Patriots must immediately embrace and support the Rev.-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. DREAM Act 2012 (a bill), the Super “Weapon”. as well as the MLK Super Weapon directly


Please contact your legislative representatives; municipal, county, state and federal.  Also, call upon your favorite radio, television and internet talks show hosts to have Ted Hayes on to educate their audiences about the King DREAM Act.


Thank you,




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